Saturday, March 15, 2008


Life is not about the number of breaths we take,
But the moments that take our breath away!

Take a moment to look back in your life right now and think about all the things you can remember from atleast 5 or more years ago. Really it is only those moments that ment a lot to you, those moments that really "took your breath away". Whether they be good or bad memories, they ment a lot to your life and that is what we remember our life by. So when it comes to these small day to day things that make us upset or angry, the little problems in life really dont mean anything and i hope that you can see that. Don't let those small things mess up a wonderful life. Small problems can snowball in huge memories of bad times that we really dont need, and can easily be avoided if we just let some things go every once in a while, and let other people have their way.

Just one more step to making life a little bit better for yourself, and for those around you.....
God Bless you today and everyday!!

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