Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ideas of the Mind

Some days its like you can't do anything but just lay back and imagine and come up with things in your mind... what ifs.... what if things went differently? Looking back on the past does help us learn to not repeat the mistakes of history, but at the same time it becomes a way to waste away your future. There is a fine line between the good that can come from review the past and the bad that can come from it also.

Sometimes in life its hard to look past the present situation and see the whole picture. I feel like i have been stuck in a spot in my life that i just can't get past... its sad to think that in my mind i know that im stuck in a hard position but at the same time my mind says that i just cant let it go...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Weird, Hard, Long Days....

Life brings about some times that just make you ask why? why? why? why is this happening to me right now? Life can go from one of the most enjoyable things to one that is hated in the blink of an eye. It is hard to imagine how things could get worse some days.... but one thing i have learned though all of this is that life really isn't that bad, even when you feel like everyone has let you down, and all is lost. There is still SO MUCH to be thankful for.

I am above all extremely thankful to all my friends. Life is just so amazing and wonderful when you have someone to share it with, and no matter what happens in life your true friends will always be there to share a moment with you. I'm glad that i have friends that i can talk to all the time and they are always willing to listen. I know that i dont always deserve the loving kindness that some friends have shown me, and i hope that i can have a chance to show them that i am truly there for them also.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

It's a new week

Well sunday night rolls around and where did the rest of the weekend go? Sometimes i wonder why the weekend always seem to go by so fast but the weeks tend to just drag along... but at the same time i can see how the weeks have gone by so fast already... i can't believe that we are already starting the third week of classes, i guess that means that tests are coming up really fast... hopefully they will be easy and not to stressful.....

Well one thing i have been thinking about this weekend is how i never seem to get to just walk around and enjoy creation any more... i used to walked all around back home and take pictures and marvel in the wonders of creation..... and i remember doing that back during freshmen year down here, but ever since then it seems like i have been to busy to just sit back and take in the sights. Hopefully i can find some time this final semester to get back into those long walks around just taking in the sights. Hopefully also i can get that lens for my camera so that i can actually take some nicer pictures before i leave this place.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Great Words from Great Men

Here is a poem written by a good friend and mentor:

God gave us gifts every one
He gave them through hs only Son
He gave our conscience as a guide
In case our gifts we try to hide.
The gifts he gave to you and me
Don't cost a thing, they are free
There is no treasure here on earth
That we can find to match their worth
We use our gifts in various ways
To do God's will all our days
John does one thing, Jack another
But God's plan is we work together
In working together we communicate
And so our lives we dedicate
To God's great plan to save our seats
Not only ours God's entire fold
But if our conscience we have seared
Don't use our gifts then we have filled
Our souls with Satan's evil thoughts
Not only ours, but those Christ bought.
~ Howard Singleton


One thing i found that sometimes help get through the rough times in life is some inpirational quotes... back in highschool i made a collection of tons of inspirational quotes and i just happened to find them the other day while i was looking for some old pictures... anyways here is few selections... hope that they help others as much as they have helped me:

"There is only two reasons a boy goes to college,
Either his father did, or his father didn't."

"Love is like a rose,
no matter how beautiful it is, there is always a few thorns."

"A friend is someone who walks in,
when the whole world has walked out."

"The only difference between try and triumph
is a little bit of umph..."

"It is better to try and fail,
than to fail to try."

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Turning Upward!

Well it has been an interesting start to a long semester, and i was just sitting around this afternoon listening to some music and Casting Crowns came on, specifically their song, "Who am I" after listening to the words of the song it hit me that even though it seems like everything has gone so bad this past year, that "who am i" to question the plans of God. Cause everything that happens, is for a purpose, even though some times we can't see the reason, God has a reason hiding in the background. So as kind of a pun on words i thought i would title this post as Turning Upwards both looking upwards to God and letting Him lead my life from this point on, and turning up the volume to the song that lead me to this point.
I still have no idea what im going to do with my life after i finish up this year, but one thing i have realized through all of this is that i have been greatly blessed with a TON of wonderful friends to help me. Both back home and at college i've been surrounded by true friends who really truly care about each other.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Begining of the End

Well it has been a long road to travel coming through four years here at harding and im almost done if i can just make it through one last semester. Many things have happended over the past three and a half years that have shaped my life. Some have come hurt me and some have brought me smiles, but all of them have taught me life lessons that i will take with me for the rest of my life.

Well looking forward to the end, im currenly taking 20 credit hours this semester and on top of that i'm the vice president for my social club. Hopefully i can find the time to get everything done and still enjoy one last semester before i graduate down here. One thing i have always loved about Harding is the beautiful campus, growing up in Alaska has allowed me to see all the awe inspired creation of our Lord, but at the same time there are parts that are always new no matter where you go, and its amazing to just sit back and enjoy the view, and know that God is Almighty and all powerful, and he created everything.

Hopefully over the course of this semester i can find time to keep up with this blog as a story line of my last semester at Harding University