Thursday, January 24, 2008

Turning Upward!

Well it has been an interesting start to a long semester, and i was just sitting around this afternoon listening to some music and Casting Crowns came on, specifically their song, "Who am I" after listening to the words of the song it hit me that even though it seems like everything has gone so bad this past year, that "who am i" to question the plans of God. Cause everything that happens, is for a purpose, even though some times we can't see the reason, God has a reason hiding in the background. So as kind of a pun on words i thought i would title this post as Turning Upwards both looking upwards to God and letting Him lead my life from this point on, and turning up the volume to the song that lead me to this point.
I still have no idea what im going to do with my life after i finish up this year, but one thing i have realized through all of this is that i have been greatly blessed with a TON of wonderful friends to help me. Both back home and at college i've been surrounded by true friends who really truly care about each other.

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