Thursday, February 7, 2008

The Truth Shall Set You Free!!!

Every have one of those days where you know in the back of your mind that something just has to be true, but when you go and ask that person about it, they tell you with out a doubt that its not. Then a while later you find something, be it a letter or a picture or something, that confirms everything you been thinking... well i just had one of those days....

Sometimes i wonder why i ever trust anyone, its only hurt me so many times in the past, and im sure it will in the future. But i believe that trust along with honesty must be the core to every relationship if it is to last. Maybe im just a little old fashion, but its the way i was brought up... and what is life if you dont life it the way you want to ... it just becomes a movie script that you are living/acting out and thats no way to live your life...

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